Friday, March 7, 2014

The easiest Healthy: YUM-E Breakfast sandwich ever!

If you are anything like me, you are always in a rush to get ready for work in the morning! No matter what time I go to sleep, I always hate the sound of my alarm. It never fails, I hit the snooze button at least once (Okay... maybe more like 3 times).

The first two things I think about every morning without fail is Coffee! Breakfast! (in that order, and as emphatic as an exclamation point should be!)

Coffee is easy. (although here is a fun tip: sprinkle some cinnamon in with your coffee grounds for an extra hint of flavor. Yum-E!)

Breakfast... what's for breakfast when you're ready to go, but have less than 5 minutes to get out the door? A processed granola bar? Cold pizza? A reheated, once frozen for months processed breakfast sandwich? A leggo my eggo? Or the worst option, skipping breakfast all together.

I have a solution! But you will need to invest... here I present one of my favorite kitchen gadgets ever! A microwave egg cooker, or whatever your local supermarket calls it. Walmart sells it for $2.97. Can you spare some change for that? Serious R.O.I. right there! Please take note that you can buy this gadget that will cook all the eggs in 60 seconds you could ever want to eat for less than you can buy one egg sandwich at your local Starbucks; just sayin'.

The easiest Healthy: YUM-E breakfast sandwich
...only 4 ingredients, plus some seasonings I bet you already have in your pantry!

1 english muffin
1 extra large egg
1/5 avocado
1 slice tomato (or 2 if you only have a roma (or small) tomato
seasonings of your choice (refer below for my faves!)

It's an egg sandwich; obviously, you need an egg. One extra large will do, but feel free to cook your friend or your sig. other one at the same time! I use Eggland's best, which are about $2.75 for 1 dozen of extra large eggs [1 egg = $.23]. Spray the inside of your micro-egg cooker with Pam or something similar, crack your egg into the cooker, and season with your fave seasonings. I use a tiny dash each of salt, pepper, garlic powder, tarragon and some crushed red pepper.

After your egg is seasoned to taste, close your egg cooker and microwave for 55 seconds for one egg, 1:10 for two eggs. Let sit in microwave while your english muffin toasts. 

I use Thomas' light multi-grain english muffins (only 100 calories and 8 grams of fiber! - about $3.35 for a 6-pack; 1 = $0.56). I toast mine under my oven's broiler because my teeny 1 bedroom apartment hardly has enough counter space for a toaster! Whatever works, right?

Meanwhile, while your english muffin is toasting... pull out your avocado (Heart healthy fats all over the place! About $.99 each; 1/5 = $0.20). 

If you [are weird and] hate avocado, please try it in this sandwich... or, substitute your fave hummus... or, if all else fails, spread a laughing cow cheese wedge instead! In the past, I have sliced my avocado onto my sandwich. What I found would happen while eating on the go is that my avocado would fall out of my sandwich. Today, I tried spreading it and it was AWESOME and worked perfectly! I had avocado in every single bite which was so YUM-E! I season every layer of my food for the MOST flavor; you'll notice some salt and pepper sprinkled on my avocado "spread":

Next comes a slice of tomato (about 1/5 of a large tomato). I found an acid-free, yellow heirloom tomato at my local produce market for about $1.25 (1/5 slice = $0.25). Of course, it is also seasoned (because I am serious when I say I season every layer of my food... healthy food doesn't have to be bland; my mission is to prove that!):

Next, the star of the show, my microwaved-in-55-seconds EGG!

Place the other side of the english muffin on top. And, voilĂ !

The easiest, cheapest, Healthy: YUM-E Breakfast sandwich EVER!

...all for a whopping $1.24 and about 2 1/2 minutes of your time!!

Nutrition Facts, coming soon!

Healthy: YUM-E!

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